Wednesday 26 February 2014

Producing a Fan-Made Movie - Part 2

It was in November 2012, when the writer sent me the first draft of the first cup(out of 4). I started sending them to the Voice Actor to see how they will turn out and I liked them. I kept working especially in early 2013 till Summer. Script was half-way through. My goal wasn't just to do the add-on but to improve my last video from October as well, meaning that since I now had a recorder and wasn't on a deadline, I could take my time and do it as I like till I am really satisfied with my video. Till June and beginning of July, I had recorded every Jak 1-3 gameplay similar to how the original was, and every other cutscene as well in HD.
The first one is the original Standard Definition one from the developers.
The Second one is the "upgraded sharpened and saturated one from the 'Remastered in HD' Video (October)
The third one is the new true HD Quality upgraded and sharpened

The original and the new HD quality.

For editing, I didn't just remove my old clips. I started from scratch so I won't have any problems and it will be much closer to the original one. 
August/September - Editing of Jak 1-3 was finished and script of Jak X was still in progress. I kept in touch with the writer and we worked together so the movie will be the best experience for the fans as if it was done from the creators. 

We created a Facebook and a YouTube page to post updates or trailers confirming this is true and that it was going to be published sometime that Fall (Fall 2013) so that we could finish Jak X as well. I also made a poster similar to the original one to show that the story continues and everything will be in HD.

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