Wednesday 21 May 2014

DVD and CD Cover for Trailer - The Darkness

For the final Graphic Design assignment we had to create a DVD Cover based on the trailer. From my sketches, I came up with this cover and I am quite satisfied of how it came out. My intention was to make it really dark and red smoke to show the darkness within and that there will be violence in this film. 

We also had to create a CD Cover for the DVD. I made it similar to the front cover.

Friday 16 May 2014

Re-filming CSR Advert

We got feedback from our lecturer and I knew what he was going to say. It has plenty of room for improvement. We decided to re-film it for a better quality advert. We decided to film with a DSLR this time and use the same Lights.

The Lighting and colour turned out better with the DSLR without any colour correction and we also took care of headroom. 
Shadows are better, even the lighting.

 The lighting was hard to set up to do it as the first time. The lighting was so dark so one member of our group suggested this nice shot and so we improved this part. 

We also decided not to show the messy things and focus more on the messages being sent to the victim.

 Due to low lighting we came up with this interesting shot. Lighting is definitely better in the new re-shoot.

The first filming shot is so over exposed! We managed to take care of it the second time and focus more on his face by filming a Close up.

In my opinion, if we didn't re-film I am still saying to myself how badly it is filmed. I am really satisfied now with colour, lighting and even acting. The message is more clear.